Our Hospice at Home team are dedicated Nurses and Health Care Assistants who are able to provide compassion, support and palliative care over a whole shift. This service provided at night (for day support see Harlington Care) providing essential respite hours for patients, carers and families. Our aim is to complement and not replace an existing package of care.

The main objective of the service is to enable patients with advanced illness to be cared for at home, and to die at home if that is their wish. We provide care to prevent admission to, or facilitate discharge from hospital, inpatient care for crisis management or longer admissions. 

Our care is intended to be of the highest possible standard to enhance the quality of life of patients while supporting carers and families. We work in partnership with many other health and social care professionals to achieve this.

We provide:

  • Night Care in the last weeks/days of life to support a choice to die at home: Up to 29 nights care may be provided.

Who can refer into Hospice at Home?

  • GPs
  • District Nurses
  • Clinical Nurse Specialists
  • Other Palliative Care professionals
  • Social Services

For more information or to make a referral please click Here